This snapshot was taken 2 days ago when i was on my way to work. It happened just beside a hotel in Sibu. See u can guess where is it or not? Should be the hotel guest for a one romantic night with girlfriend. This was my first time seeing with my own eyes where all 4 wheels of a car was stolen. And the license plate number was definitely a new car. I think the RIMS must be made of gold or embedded with diamonds that caused the culprits to steal it. ha ha ha... In return for the RIMS they stole, they left the car owner a car jack. I was wondering, why don't they take the spoiler and the bumpers or just steal the whole car. ha ha ha...
But not long when i passed that area about 3 or 4 hours later,the car was gone and seen parked in front of the hotel entrance with the original wheels installed. Hotel area wor... How is it possible that there's no security doing night patrol? But an area like that can't argue to whom the parking lots belongs to.
So the next time if u stay at any hotels where you feel its not safe to park your car, bring your rims along to your room. Just like Mr bEaN, he brought his steering wheel along with him during a picnic.
those two comments above are virus har??? How come you blog attract so many virus..kekek!!
anyway, the car owner really pity...
faith.... i pun tak tahu kenapa la... I dunno y the viruses like my blog so much...ke ke ke ke...
Faith... Thanks for reading my blog ho... :p
kekeke, u better delete the comments, else later your readers kena virus!!!
welcome ley, my work very wuliao, love to read ppl's blog!!
write more to entertain me ba..
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